working 8 hours and then being stuck in a room with unrealistic looking human beings to make me feel infinitely worse about myself for an extra 5 is not my idea of a good time.
one of them asked me about my black flag tattoo....
"tell me about your tattoo!"
"it's a black flag tattoo....they're a punk band from the early 80's"
"oh cooooooooooooooooooool...were you in the band?"
yeah ok, so i've been a little cranky lately.
i know.
i'm sorry.
for the record... i just have a lot on my mind. i have a lot on my plate at work. i'm getting weird illnesses that really only occur in children under 10. and i'm having trouble times 100 seeing myself that way i did a year ago.
i'm just frustrated. at life. in general.

those are the only three things i seriously want in my life and i can't have any of them. atleast not immediately.
i'm hungry. it's 20 to 12:00.
maybe i should eat for the first time today.
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