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Toronto, Ontario, Canada
"Internet porn makes everything more reasonable -- once you've realized there is a massive subculture of upwardly mobile people who think it's erotic to see an Asian woman giving a hand job to a javelina, nothing else in the world seems crazy."

Friday, December 18, 2009

waking up on the wrong side of the bed

it happens.
it's not even that i'm angry, mostly just sucky...maybe kinda whiney.

i'm really nervous about my exam tomorrow.
and i've never ever been any good at studying. i don't know how to make study notes. the context isn't even hard but i have the worst short term memory.

So, jenn liles did this unreal gypsy/cobra piece on some dudes arm that totally sold me on having her do my sleeve ( i feel like im tattoo artist cheating... it's terrible ) but her lines are so so thin and the features in all her female faces are so perfect and exactly what i want i think she'll do an incredible job.

there are a few things that are really irritating me right now, but i guess i'll just drink too much tomorrow night with katie to even think about them.

i thought i saw ollie in the subway yesterday. it made me feel like i was going to puke instantly. not even because i ever even remotely think about him ever but more because this time i wouldn't have any sort of escape plan.
turns out i didn't need one anyway.

anyway, wish me luck!


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